The winning team played for the million starting at level 6 with a banked $50,000 from level 5 with three lives for winning the head-to-head challenge. The first team to win four games automatically sent the other team home with $1,000. However, certain games were unique to this format. The challenges played here are often from the earlier levels of the show. As such, it was a simple race to see which contestant(there were no team games here) could complete the challenge first. As the intro for these episodes state, "they are turning off the clock". Usually played with teams of two, two groups go head-to-head in a best of 7 challenge face-off. If the contestant releases an object to stand still as time expires, a replay will check to see if the object was released in time(the 3-second count still happens but is usually not important). Sometimes, the rule states that an object has to be released before time expires(Layin' Track, Tuna Roll), other times, the objective must be met first. Sometimes games require a "power cam" replay to make sure the contestant completed the game within the time limit. If there are 3 or fewer seconds on the clock, the clock will stop at 1, the count will continue backstage, and the contestant will have completed the game if the objects stand still for 3 seconds. Some games require that the contestant let objects stand still for 3 seconds.

However, once the contestant elected for the game, the contestant couldn't leave the show until that game was complete or they exhausted all three of their "lives". If the contestant lost all three of their "lives", the game would end and the contestant's winnings would drop to the previous milestone they passed.Īfter successfully completing a game, the contestant could leave with the amount of money already won before seeing the blueprint for the next game. etc.), the contestant would loses a "life". If time expired or the conditions of the game couldn't be fulfilled (such as by the contestant exhausting any allotted attempts, breaking the rules of a game, having stacked items fall. The difficulty of the games progressively and exponentially increased throughout the current game. In the GSN version, the milestones are the first, fifth and seventh levels. Completing all 10 levels awarded $1,000,000 to the contestant(s)($250,000 in the GSN version). After successfully completing the first, fifth, eighth, and most recently ninth level games, the contestant would be guaranteed to leave with no less than the cash award for those levels. The contestant would play inside the so-called "60-second circle" during all challenges. They're delicious, although how could they not be? Cute and colorful too - they rise up puffy and tall and get a nice, golden sheen to them.The contestant would be presented with the blueprint(via monitor with a female announcer) for the first level and had to successfully complete the game presented within one minute/60 seconds to win $1,000 and advance to the next level. There's a lot of room for creativity and versatility in terms of ingredients - ham, sausage, crab meat, salmon, different cheeses or vegetables, herbs - the possibilities are really limitless. finely chopped red pepper rather than green (the green pepper is in the directions but not in the ingredients list!), which gave these such nice color. I used bacon rather than sausage, fresh minced garlic instead of garlic powder and 1/4 c. This could obviously be made a lot faster and with a lot less fuss if just simply scrambled on the stovetop - but then you'd totally lose that "these are so darned cute" effect! I made these in silicone cupcake liners sprayed with Pam and just lined them up on a cookie sheet, using a soup ladle to fill them.